~子供を祝福する The Little Children and Jesus [Matthew 19:10-12]~
When Jesus was talking about celibacy, many parents came to him with small children to lay their hands on him and pray.
As a parent, I can understand the desire of parents to let their children touch Jesus and receive as much grace and healing as possible. They want this child to be saved.
Before, Jesus put his children on his lap and said, "You must be like this little child to enter the kingdom of heaven." But His disciples scolded the parents for bringing their children before Him. In my church, children are very warmly welcomed, but I think that in some churches, there is an atmosphere that is hidden but avoids noisy children.
Maybe this is because when restless, touching children come to a solemn, sacred place, the atmosphere breaks down and adults can't concentrate on the preacher's sermon.
But Jesus went above and beyond the expectations of such a man and clearly said to his disciples, "You must not prevent the children from coming." He laid his hands on each child.
In this way, Jesus showed through his own experience that he values each and every small being. We sometimes compromise and accept exploiting, disrespecting, and ignoring the weak for the convenience of adults, companies, churches, organizations, and nations, but the Lord never has this attitude. He always cares about the weakest and smallest being. Sometimes I feel confused about choosing to follow the Lord's attitude, but at that time, I wanted to go back to the origin of His teachings, the principle of love, and make my own choices.