今日の箇所は、金持ちの青年が自分の巨万の富のほうを選び、悲しみながらイエスから去っていったシーンの続きからです。今回も、エレン・G・ホワイトのキリストの実物教訓(第28章 恵みの報い)の引用から、イエス様の示唆に富んだ教えと弟子たちの心境をじっくり読んでいきたいと思います。( )は私のコメントです。
マタイには本当に多くのイエス様の教えが出てきます。1つ1つ本当に私たちにとって必要な教えです。今日のペテロの質問にも反映されていた通り、神様は私たちが神のために何をしたのか、またどれほどしたかを見ておられるというより、何か決めたりする時の精神や心を見ておられるのではないかと改めて思います。神様との関係は駆け引きやGive & Takeというものではなく、「~せずにはいられない」という互いの自発的な心の関係性であるべきと思います。
Today's passage is a continuation of a scene in which a rich young man chose his great wealth and departed from Jesus in sorrow. I would like to read again about the thought-provoking teachings of Jesus and the feelings of the disciples by quoting Ellen G. White's The Real Lesson of Christ (Chapter 28: The Rise of Grace). () is my comment.
"Jesus further said, "My children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of God." And they were even more surprised." They realized that they were included in this solemn warning. These words of the Savior revealed that they had a secret desire for power and wealth in their own hearts. They became anxious and cried, "Then who can be saved?". "Jesus looked at them, and said, "Man can't do it, but God can. For God can do anything.""
(I think it is a sharp parable of Jesus that deeply explores the disciple's heart. Jesus said that no man can give all his wealth, so no man can do that.)
The words of the Holy Spirit, "You are no longer your own. You were bought at a price." were spoken to the rich as they were to the poor (I Corinthians 6:19, 20). When people believe this, their possessions come to be regarded as consignments from God, and they come to be used as directed by God for the salvation of lost souls and for the comfort of the afflicted and needy. This is something that men cannot do, because their hearts are attached to earthly treasures. The soul, caught in wealth, is powerless to hear the cries of human want. But with God all things are possible.
(A man who, like Paul, has been changed 180°by the love of Christ, will consider other things as dust. The power of God is this power.)
It was Peter who first came to himself from the strong impression of the Savior's words. He thought with satisfaction of what he and his brothers had given up for Christ. Peter said, "Behold, we have forsaken everything and obeyed you." And recalling the conditional promise given to the young official, "Then you will have treasure in heaven." Peter asked what he and his brothers would receive in return for their sacrifice.
The Savior's answer moved the hearts of these Galilean fishermen. It depicted the glorious realization of their highest dream. "Listen carefully. And you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel, when the world is established, and the Son of Man is seated on his glorious throne." continued Jesus, "For the sake of my name, he who forsakes house, brother, sister, father, mother, son, or field, shall receive many times more, and shall receive eternal life."
But Peter's question, "What can I have for you?," if left unaltered, showed a spirit unfit to make the disciples messengers of Christ: employee-ness. Although attracted by the love of Jesus, the disciples had not yet fully liberated themselves from Pharisaism. They were still working with the idea that they would be rewarded for their work. They compared each other with a spirit of self-exaltation and self-satisfaction. When one of them made a mistake, the others felt superior.
(To Peter's undisciple-like question, Jesus gave an answer that was pleasing to them first, which was very unexpected for me. But then the parable of the laborer of the vineyard begins, and here Jesus was going to teach the spirit that disciples should have.)
There are so many teachings of Jesus in Matthew. Each one is really necessary for us. As Peter's question today reflected, I think again that God is looking not so much at what we have done for Him, and how much we have done, but at the spirit and heart when we make decisions or doing something for God. I think that our relationship with God should not be a game of bargaining or give and take, but rather a spontaneous relationship between our hearts that we can't help but...